Welcome to Heritage Community Fitness! We hope you feel energized and invigorated from your time with us. Below are links to news and updates we want to share with you.

Members: Submit a ballot from Monday, January 20th to Sunday, January 26th for your chance to win one of two prizes in our members' draw on January 27. See the front desk team for details.
Falls Prevention: Led by kinesiologist Nicole Andersen-Fair, our six-week Falls Prevention program empowers older adults with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent falls and improve balance, strength, and overall mobility. The program starts on January 23. Learn more.
Baby Bootcamp: Strength Training for Moms: Led by Kerry McCormick, the eight-week series focusses on building muscle, improving endurance, and enhancing overall fitness levels. The program starts on January 29. Learn more.
Squat Clinic: Led by personal trainer Rick Boisvert, the 90-minute Squat Clinic workshop is designed to unlock better movement and improve your squat technique, no matter your current capacity. Learn more.

Be sure to check out our News & Events page for a full list of our upcoming programs and workshops.

Feel free to visit our customer service team at the front desk if you have any questions or comments.