Heart Wise Exercise

Heart Wise Exercise is an initiative by the University of Ottawa Heart Institute to develop and identify programs and classes that are appropriate for people who want to stay healthy or who may be living with a chronic health condition.

We are fortunate to be one of the few gyms in the area to be awarded a Heart Wise Exercise partnership. This means that our group classes with the Heart Wise Exercise logo have been audited by the Heart Wise Exercise team and are led by Heart Wise Exercise certified instructors.

The Heart Wise Exercise program is important because people with chronic health issues, especially those who have experienced a cardiac event, are often unable to take group fitness classes due to their condition. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to improve their health. To support the Heart Wise Exercise program, we have partnered with the Ottawa Heart Institute to offer specific group fitness classes that meet their strict program guidelines.

Heart Wise ExerciseOur Heart Wise Exercise group fitness classes are easy to identify. Any of our classes that have the Heart Wise Exercise logo beside them are officially certified by the Ottawa Heart Institute.